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Rays of Light Bible Lessons by Keith Holder


Matthew 5:1-2 And seeing the multitudes, He went up into a mountain: and when He was set, His disciples came unto Him: and He opened his mouth, and taught them, saying,...

Although the most read book throughout all ages, the Bible is probably the most misunderstood book ever written. I think it safe to say that there are more critics of the Bible than there are supporters. No doubt, this would hold true for the best-known teaching of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, commonly referred to as "The Sermon on the Mount." Most people of the world reject it entirely, simply because they completely reject Christianity. To some Christians, this sermon is accepted only as a basis for human morality. However, the writer of this gospel message introduces it as the gospel of the kingdom (Matt. 4:23). It is the longest continued message delivered by our Savior, Jesus Christ. It is, undoubtedly, the greatest sermon ever rendered on what God expects Christian conduct to be. It is not a lesson on mere social reform. It is a lesson on human conduct that will lead one to the hope of eternal salvation. To neglect its tenets, is to reject God as the Author of His salvation offered through Jesus Christ, our Savior.

A condensed version of "The Sermon on the Mount" is found in Luke 6:13-49. However, the Gospel according to Mathew is far more detailed, and its texts have been selected to use in this series gospel of lessons from this wonderful, soul-saving sermon of our dear Lord, Jesus Christ.

And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain. At this time in Jesus' ministry on earth, He was well known. Reading Luke's version, bible scholars place the time of this event in the second year of His public teaching, which was probably at the height of His popularity. This event probably took place somewhere in the vicinity of Capernaum. It was here that He ascended a small mountain, not to avoid, or flee from the multitudes, but He did so in order to have a more favorable place from which to speak to the entire multitude. Tradition holds that the mountain, or hill, was one called Kuran Huttin, or The Horns of Huttin, which was located a short distance from Capernaum. Regardless, it was a place chosen by our Lord, which afforded a more convenient place for Him to deliver this message to all present on that day.

(A)nd when He was set, His disciples came unto Him: and He opened His mouth, and taught them, saying... . Disciples, as used here, included more than just His chosen apostles. The meaning of the word used here is "learners,"all of whomwere anxious to hear His lessons, learn from them, and become more endearing followers of Him and His God-given plan of salvation.

This New Testament event brings to mind the giving of God's law to the Israelites from Mount Sinai through His servant Moses. Moses went into the mountain and brought down God's law to them. In a similar manner Jesus scaled this mountain near Capernaum and the entire multitude, as well as all living beings thereafter, was given God's Christian code of morality through His Son, Jesus Christ. God's Old Testament law was binding on all the people of Israel, and this portion of God's New Testament law, known as "The Sermon on the Mount,' is binding on all people of the earth, both then, and today.

Let us study together this wonderful sermon delivered by our Savior, Jesus Christ from this mount in Galilee. It is filled with God's Christian rules of righteousness which all should adopt as their own and incorporate them into their conduct of life. "The Sermon on the Mount" is, indeed, the gospel of the kingdom. The Christian principles it establishes will guide us, and the blessings it promises are available to all that accept, believe, and obey God's will and become members of His body, the church of Christ.