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Rays of Light Bible Lessons by Keith Holder


Philippians 4:6-7 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

There is a peace available to all mankind that is beyond all human understanding. It is the peace of God; a peace that is only available through Christ Jesus. As described by the apostle Paul in the lesson text, it is a peace that can be found nowhere else, or from anyone else, in this world. The most intelligent, most successful, and the richest person in the world, King Solomon, could not find God's peace within his own power. Although family, friends, and fellow Christians can, and often do, extend to us a form of peace through comfort and consolation, it cannot compare to the peace available from our Creator - our heavenly Father. Just as there is a place called Heaven, which is beyond human comprehension, so there is a peace available to all that is not conceivable by the human mind. Yet, to the Christian, it is only a prayer away.

Though we believe in God with our whole being, and though we often pray earnestly, this text teaches all who study it diligently, that the wonderful peace made available by God can only be found through Christ Jesus. Although the powerful influence of God's peace cannot be explained, these verses tell us that it is by Jesus, and only by Jesus, that it is available to His children. Since it is found only through Jesus, one must be in Jesus in order to find the peace of God. And since this peace is accessed through prayer, it must be inferred that one must be in the body of Christ for their prayers to be heard. How can anyone understand anything differently from these two short verses written by Paul to the church of Christ in Philippi?

Verse six, of the lesson text, tells us of the dependence Christians are to place in the power of prayer to God. It is preceded with these few encouraging words, be careful for nothing. A diligent care about using our talents and abilities to their fullest extent; a care and concern to protect and provide for our families; a concern about demonstrating love for God and our fellow man; a carefulness that drives us to study and obey God's holy word, as well as others not mentioned here, are all exempt from the admonition to be careful for nothing. See Matthew 25:15-30, 1 Timothy 5:8, Matthew 22:36-40, and 2 Timothy 2:15.

There is a "care" that is sinful. It is a care that results in anxiety; a care that disturbs the state of one's mind from either real or imagined fears. "Care," in its sinful sense, is described in Nelson's Illustrated Bible Dictionary as follows: A burden, worry, or anxiety. Care is the English translation of the Greek noun merimna, which means, "drawn in different directions," therefore, division, distraction, worry, anxiety. This is the same word used in the "parable of the sower." There, Jesus compared the cares of this world to the thorns that choke out the growth of a plant, that began to grow from the good seed that was sown (Matt. 13:22). Care, as in anxiety, causes nothing but bad things. Anxiety is a burden that, if not replaced with the peace of God, can destroy the Christian spirit.

It is this sinful "care" that we are warned by Paul when he wrote be careful for nothing. The worry and anxieties of life can, if allowed to, distract our minds, bring doubt, confusion, and uncertainty. Worrying about those things that sustain life can cause us to lose faith in God and, even, commit all manner of sins through a covetous attitude, brought about through "anxious care." Jesus, Himself, tells us what attitude Christians should have toward the necessities of life. Matthew records Him saying, Therefore, I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment (Matt. 6:25)?

Barnes' Notes rightfully conclude "that there is to be such confidence in God as to free the mind from anxiety, and such a sense of dependence on Him as to keep it calm." Peace and tranquility is only available to Christians. It is God's gift to His obedient children through His Son, Jesus Christ, The Prince of Peace (Isa. 9:6). We close with this promise from our Savior, Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid (John 14:27). If only world knew the Peace of God that is available through Christ Jesus!