Copyright ©2024 Keith Holder, Rays of Light Bible Lessons. All Rights Reserved.

Rays of Light Bible Lessons by Keith Holder


Romans 14:13-17 Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumbling block or an occasion to fall in his brother's way. I know, and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus, that there is nothing unclean of itself: but to him that esteemeth any thing to be unclean, to him it is unclean. But if thy brother be grieved with thy meat, now walkest thou not charitably. Destroy not him with thy meat, for whom Christ died. Let not then your good be evil spoken of: for the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.

Neither our worldly status, wealth, nationality, color of skin, age, sex, nor any other characteristic that distinguishes one human being from another, will matter on Judgment Day. All people are equal and will be so judged. When the Son of man shall come in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then shall He sit upon the throne of His glory: and before Him shall be gathered all nations: and He shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: and He shall set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left (Matt. 25:31-33). With this descriptive analogy, Jesus gives us an truthful, undeniably accurate minds-eye view of Judgment Day. Into which category one is placed by Jesus will determine our eternal destiny. On that day the only thing that will matter is whether or not we have obeyed the will of God, demonstrated our love for Him, and our love for our fellow man.

Godly love is the only Christian characteristic that will serve as a transport into heaven. Because of this surety, Christians are not to pass judgment on other brothers and sisters in Christ over matters of opinion - things that have no significance - things that are not required, or disallowed, in order to demonstate obedience to the will of God. Rather, Christians should give much consideration to this commandment of God: that no man put a stumbling block, or an occasion to fall, in his brother's way. In this, Christians are not passing judgment by looking on the actions, opinions, or things said by others. Instead, they should, and must, look inwardly, assessing themselves, and judging whether their own actions are hindering or helping their fellow Christians. For instance, by the things we say and do, are we building up, or tearing down, edifying or confusing brothers and sisters in Christ - are we a stepping stone or a stumbling block in the path our fellow Christians as they journey down the road to eternity?

Our Creator has provided mankind with all foods necessary to sustain life on earth. There is no food that, by its nature, is sinful if eaten. Certain foods can be harmful to one's health if eaten, or if eaten in improper quantities, but, to eat them, is not sinful in the eyes of our Maker. There evidently was, at the time Paul wrote this letter, members of the body of Christ that, through the lack of knowledge, believed that certain foods, if eaten, were sinful. To aggressively argue over matters concerning the eating of certain foods, or to argue over any other meaningless opinion or preference, is sinful in the eyes of God. Also, to disregard the matters of opinion of others, and, in their presence, participate in them, could possibly violate their conscience. This, too, would be sinful. Why? Because in doing so, we may put a stumbling block, or an occasion to fall, in his brother's way. Not that it would always be the case, but it could become a hindrance to a weak Christian, and, through distrust, anger, or some other reason, cause such a one to abandon the church, return to a worldly life, and lose their hope of salvation.

Unless care is given by Christians not to offend their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, matters of opinion, even things that are meaningless, can be a stumbling block, or an occasion to fall. The lesson text ends with this admonition: Let not then your good be evil spoken of: for the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. Christians are bound to God's law in all spiritual matters. However, in matters of opinion, God has given them freedom to decide and choose their manner of life, as long as it is in compliance with the will of God, and does not infringe, mislead, cause harm to others, or cause disunity or contention within the body of Christ. Distinctions between foods, drinks, days, or any other personal preference, are not part of God's law within the church of Christ. To be approved of God, Christian conduct must lead others to salvation through Jesus Christ by righteous, peaceable, and joyous scriptural teaching, in both word and example, so that they cause no one to fall.