Copyright ©2024 Keith Holder, Rays of Light Bible Lessons. All Rights Reserved.

Rays of Light Bible Lessons by Keith Holder


Matthew 5:3 Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Jesus went up into a mountain so the multitude was able to see and hear Him; and when He was set, His disciples came unto Him; and He opened His mouth and taught them (Matt. 5:1-2). This chapter of the gospel according to Matthew, and the two following chapters, contains the longest, most point-driven, recorded sermon Jesus delivered during His earthly ministry. It begins with nine statements of blessings commonly known as the "Beatitudes" - statements of perfect blessedness and happiness that God bestows, through His Son, Jesus Christ, on His obedient children. Each begins with the term, "Blessed," which carries the same meaning as the word "Happy." To those desiring to be blessed and happy, must read, understand, accept, believe, and teach to others that have open minds and desirean eternal home in heaven.

The pursuit of happiness is the universal goal of all mankind. From the beginning of time to the present,it will continue throughout all ages to come. True happiness is found by few but remains lost to many. Most search for it in things of the world, such as material wealth, human wisdom, and elevated social status. But here, it cannot be found. The world is not the source of happiness. True happiness, peace of mind, and contentment, can only be found in the kingdom of God. For this reason, Jesus confirms, through His teaching, that My kingdom is not of this world (John 18:36). The reason most people of the world cannot find happiness is because they are looking for it in the wrong places. Those to whom Jesus pronounced His blessing upon, in these nine "Beatitudes," are God's children that have obediently entered into His kingdom, the body of Christ, which is His church.

These nine "Beatitudes" are not blessings that will be given to nine different groups of people, but they make up the different godly characteristics that are to apply to all individual Christians. In other words, all Christians are to be poor in spirit, ...meek, ...merciful, ...pure in heart, ...peacemakers, etc. They are inseparable because they are individual qualities that make up the complete character of one that has given himself, or herself, to God; one that is devoted to Christ and the cause for which He died. Jesus Christ does not bestow these blessings in an arbitrary manner. Each blessing pronounced by Jesus, for each godly characteristic of each follower of Christ, is followed by the reason it is bestowed. Happiness results when one receives these blessing. Jesus' discourse begins with the first of His "Beatitudes." Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. People are either humble or haughty. The poor in spirit represent those with a humble nature, or spirit. For one to be poor in spirit carries with it the same meaning as one having a broken and contrite heart. The psalmist wrote, The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit (Psalm 34:18). Isaiah says that God dwells in the person that has a contrite and humble spirit (Isaiah 57:15), and Healso looks with favor on those that are poor and of a contrite spirit (Isaiah 66:2).

Those that possess the state of mind of being poor in spirit are promised the blessing of the kingdom of heaven - they are traveling on the right road of life that leads to eternal salvation in heaven. They, indeed, possess an open and receptive heart and mind that is necessary to accept Jesus as their Savior and become members of His kingdom. This kingdom was yet to be founded at the time He delivered "The Sermon on the Mount," but was firmly established on the Day of Pentecost.It continues toexists today, and will remain until the second coming of our Savior. Humility is necessary in order to hear, believe, and obey God's will. The humble attitude of being poor in spirit is contrasted to the spiritual pride of most people of the Jewish nation, who rejected Jesus Christ as the Messiah by refusing to give up the worldliness of human wisdom.

As it was in the day of Jesus, so it is today. Most people seek happiness in great riches, status, and honors of this physical world. This great sermon of Jesus corrects this error. Only those that are poor in spirit are able to receive it. God, having raised up His Son Jesus, sent Him to bless you, in turning away every one of you from his iniquities (Acts 3:26). To repent and turn away from a life of sin thatbrings false happiness, is practically impossible for those filled with self-pride. True happiness comes only to those that humbly surrender to the will of God, accept Jesus Christ as their Savior, and are baptized into His body, the church of Christ. Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven!