Copyright ©2024 Keith Holder, Rays of Light Bible Lessons. All Rights Reserved.

Rays of Light Bible Lessons by Keith Holder


Acts 27:21-22 But after long abstinence Paul stood forth in the midst of them, and said, Sirs, ye should have hearkened unto me, and not have loosed from Crete, and to have gained this harm and loss. And now I exhort you to be of good cheer: for there shall be no loss of any man's life among you, but of the ship.

Without an end in sight, crew and passengers of this ship, for many days, had struggled and battled against the unrelenting sea storm, with its tumultuous winds, turbulent waves, and torrential rain. Such had been their lot since hoisting anchor and sailing from The Fair Havens of Crete. Due to their constant struggle to keep the ship afloat, and due to their lack of provisions that resulted from casting much of the cargo overboard to lighten the ship, all aboard the ship had gone many days without food. Therefore after long abstinence, Paul gave them some encouraging words. He stood forth in the midst of them, and said, Sirs, ye should have hearkened unto me, and not have loosed from Crete, and to have gained this harm and loss. Fearing ill weather at this time of the year, he had warned them to remain moored in the haven of Crete (Vs. 10). Paul was not taunting the centurion and owner of the ship for ignoring his advice, but rather he wanted to have their confidence in what he was about to reveal to them. Inspired by the Holy Spirit of God, he gave them this cheerful assurance: there shall be no loss of any man's life among you, but he concluded this with the anticipated misfortune of losing the ship.

Continuing, and in order to give credibility to what he was about to tell them, he told all that were aboard the ship that the advice he was giving them came not from his human knowledge and instincts, but through an angel of God - the same God Whose I am, and whom I serve (Vs. 23). Indeed, Paul belonged to God, and as his Master, he devotedly served Him by teaching the eternal salvation He offered to the world through His Son, Jesus Christ. This divine message from God assured Paul that he would reach his destination in Rome and be brought before Caesar.

The Holy Spirit of God gave further assurance that, not only would Paul be saved from the perils of the sea, but also all them that sail with thee (Vs. 24). No life would be lost - all two hundred and seventy-six people aboard the ship would be saved from the rages of the sea. Not saved eternally, but physically. God often intercedes and saves, or delays one from physical death. Although God provides a way for eternal salvation, He does not impose it on any individual. Eternal life depends entirely upon each person, after hearing God's gospel call to salvation, truly believing in Him and His Holy Word, turning away from a past sinful life, confessing Jesus to be the Son of God, and confirming this decision by being baptized into His body for the remission of one's sins.

Assuring all people aboard the ship of being saved, Paul tells them to be of good cheer. Rather than the crew and other passengers giving him credit, he wanted them to know that it was God who would intercede and save them from the tempestuous perils of the sea: for I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told me (Vs. 25), that is, as God had revealed it to him by His Holy Spirit. Paul explained further, to all aboard the ship, it had been revealed to him that, in order to be saved, they would be cast upon a certain island (Vs. 26). The next chapter begins by revealing this island as Melita, which is known today as the island of Malta.

For fourteen days they were driven up and down in Adria - the name given by sailors to that portion of the Great Sea that lies midway between Italy, Greece and northern Africa. Realizing that they neared land, they sounded (Vs. 28), or measured the depth of the sea, and found it to be twenty fathoms (120 feet), and shortly thereafter, to be fifteen fathoms (90 feet). Able to hear the breakers but unable to see them due to the darkness of night, they cast out anchors to wait for daylight (Vs. 29). With panic racing through the crew, some were pretending to use a boat to help with the mooring, but instead intended to abandon the ship and flee for safety (Vs. 30). Paul, realizing that these sailors were necessary in order to save all others aboard the ship, had the centurion command the soldiers to cut the boat loose and let her fall off, preventing the crew from escaping in this manner (Vss. 31-32).

With the dawning of day, and after fourteen days of continued fasting, the apostle, Paul,told them to take some meat ...for your health, again assuring them of their safety (Vss. 33-34). Paul then took bread, and gave thanks to God in presence of them all: and when he had broken it, he began to eat. Then were they all of good cheer, and they also took some meat (Vss. 35-36). When all two hundred, seventy-six aboard the ship had eaten enough, they lightened the ship, and cast out the wheat into the sea (Vss 37-38). The cargo of wheat was thrown overboard in order for the ship to go aground in the shallowest possible place near the island of Melita. In the light of day, they discovered a certain creek with a shore - a favorable landing site (Vs. 39). Taking up the anchors, they made their way toward shore, and ran the ship aground, and due to the violence of the waves, the ship broke apart (Vss. 39-41).

Fearing the prisoners would swim out, and escape, the soldiers would have killed them, had not the centurion, willing to save Paul, kept them from their purpose. He then commanded that they, which could swim, make their way to shore, and those that could not were to use boards, and ...broken pieces of the ship, to make their way to land. And so it came to pass, that they escaped all safe to land (Vss. 42-44), just as Paul, by inspiration of the Holy Spirit of God, had assured them.

Indeed, just as the physical salvation of all aboard this ship was found, so it is that the spiritual salvation of one's soul can be found by following God's plan - His entire plan as it is revealed by the Holy Spirit-inspired writers of God's covenant with all followers of Christ as found in the New Testament scriptures.