1 Peter 3:1-2 Likewise, ye wives be in subjection to your own husbands; that if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear.
This lesson text could very well be used as a reference to marriage, the duties of both husband and wife, or to the husband being the head of the household. However, the apostle Paul discusses these topics at length in his letter to the church at Ephesus, found in Chapter 5, verses 22 through 31. Paul's discourse on marriage is much more detailed and informative, and should answer many, if not all questions, that arise regarding scriptural marriage.
Another lesson is also found in this text by the apostle Peter - that of converting a sinner to Christ. In this passage, Peter recognizes the responsibility the wife has to the husband, which is firmly established in the Ephesians reference cited above. He adds that this relationship is still valid, even if one spouse is a Christian and one is outside the body of Christ. Neither scriptural religion, nor the lack of it, can nullify a marriage, or the duties of a marriage entered into by a man and a woman. Although a similar lesson could be made from an instance between a believing husband and an unbelieving wife, in the case cited in the lesson text, the wife had been converted to Christianity through obedience to the word of God, while the husband had not obeyed the gospel call, as found in God's word. In this example, the husband may, or may not, have read, or heard, God's message of salvation. If he had not heard His Word, or if he heard but failed to believe and submit himself to its teaching, the husband was still outside the body of Christ and remained an unconverted sinner.
In order to understand Peter's teaching in the lesson text, we need to know the meaning of the word, conversation. Today, most understand the word to mean the verbal communication between people. The use of this word with this meaning is found only once in the New Testament, in the NKJV of Luke 24:17, where Jesus is quoted as saying, What kind of conversation is this that you have with one another as you walk and are sad? In most cases, especially as used in the KJV, conversation refers to one's manner of life - the way one behaves or conducts him or herself. This is the manner in which Peter used the word in this particular scripture. Here, the conversation of wives refers to their total deportment, how they behave and conduct them selves in their daily walks of life.
Soul winning is a very important responsibility of every Christian. Its importance was stressed in the calling of His apostles, when Jesus told Peter and Andrew to follow me, and I will make you fishers of men (Mat. 4:19). It was also stressed in many other places including the admonition by James, as he closed his epistle by saying, ...he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins (Jas. 5:20). Carrying out this soul winning responsibility is certainly needed between a husband and wife, just as it is needed between all Christians, as they contact and converse with men and women outside the body of Christ.
Soul winning may take many forms. In some instances, it takes oral conversation. Souls may turn to Christ through reading and understanding prophesies found in the Old Testament, as was true with the conversion of the Ethiopian eunuch by Philip (Acts 8:26-40). Peter and the other eleven apostles baptized three thousand souls into Christ through the preaching of God's word on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:14-40). Acts 10 tells us that Cornelius and his household were brought to Christ, and were baptized into His body through the teaching of Peter. Likewise, the Philippian jailer and his household, were converted by Paul and Silas (Acts 16:19-34).
In the instance cited by Peter in the lesson text, soul winning can be attained through conversation without words. An unbelieving husband can be won over, brought to the truth, converted, and saved through baptism into the body of Christ, by observing the good conduct of the wife. I know - I was brought to Christ Jesus, was baptized for the remission of my sins, and was added to the church of Christ by God, through the godly life of my wife. Through her pure and chaste conversation, I now have the hope of eternal salvation. I will continue to thank her by demonstrating my faithful and obedient conversation, as I continue to conduct my life before the world. May God bless the wife that exhibits a pure and chaste conversation of life.